Карта сайтаStatistics of visits on site about miracle of Holy Fire in 2002
Number of visitors

11 776 - visitors
59 616 - read pages
32,24 - visitors per day

Kind Russian English
Witnesses 50 16
Publications, all 242 56
  including with text 116 22
Blokes of photos and videos 16 16

Description of Holy Fire miracle is in 11 languages

Russia44,0 Russia: 44,0
USA23,8 USA: 23,8
Ukraine6,0 Ukraine: 6,0
Canada3,0 Canada: 3,0
United Kingdom1,9 United Kingdom: 1,9
Europe1,8 Europe: 1,8
Australia1,7 Australia: 1,7
Germany1,6 Germany: 1,6
Israel1,5 Israel: 1,5
Belarussia1,2 Belarussia: 1,2
Kazakhstan0,9 Kazakhstan: 0,9
Estonia0,6 Estonia: 0,6
France0,6 France: 0,6
Lithuania0,5 Lithuania: 0,5
Sweden0,5 Sweden: 0,5
Netherlands0,5 Netherlands: 0,5
Finland0,5 Finland: 0,5
Poland0,4 Poland: 0,4
Bulgaria0,4 Bulgaria: 0,4
Greece0,4 Greece: 0,4
Georgia0,4 Georgia: 0,3
Moldova0,3 Moldova: 0,3
Denmark0,3 Denmark: 0,3
Egypt0,3 Egypt: 0,3
Italy0,3 Italy: 0,3
The most popular articles

1. Photo, video
2. Photos and videos / II. Church of Holy Sepulchre and Holy places
3. Early testimonies about miracle of Holy Fire
4. Photos and videos / Plans of Jerusalem and Holy Sepulchre / Plans of Holy Sepulchre
5. Photos and videos / The miracle of Holy Fire in Jerusalem / Three Miracles
6. Actual plan of Jerusalem Old city with major religious buildings
7. Books / Chronology of the Muslim scholar Al-Biruni (973 - 1048). Al Biruni / In the Garden of Science, 1991
8. Witnesses / Vadjih Nuseibe, Muslim, doorkeeper of the church of Holy Sepulcher Israel, Jerusalem, (2001)
9. Photos and videos / III. Plans of Jerusalem and church of Holy Sepulchre (Resurrection)
10. Witnesses / Orthodox / Monk Parthenius

Карта сайтаStatistics of visits on site about miracle of Holy Fire in 2002