Miracle of Holy Fire site mapBegining of the sectionArchimandrite Savva Achilleos. I Saw the Holy Light


As far as the claim that it proves the truth of Orthodxy the following incident occured in the 16th century. The split column where the Holy Fire went thru to light the candles of the Orthodox Patriarch is still there.

In the year 1517 A.D., the Arabs occupied Jerusalem, the Armenians took advantage of their presence. They aproached the Moselm governor with gifts of gold, and asked for the privilege to receive the Holy Light. This they asked and this they succeeded. They also implored to him that the Orthodox be forbidden entrance to the Holy Sepulchre for the sacred ritual.

Holy Saturday dawned and the most Holy Church of the Ressurection was closed to all the Orthodox. Even the Patriarch and the clergy were not allowed to enter. The Patriarch was kneeling at the entrance of the Most Holy Church. He was holding in his hand the bundle of the thirty three candles and praying. Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded to God:

"Lord, You who abhors injustice, heed the prayers of our children. Grant that Your glory may appear through Your miracle and do not deprive Your Holy Light from Your faithful people.' On that fateful Holy Saturday in 1517, the Divine Light did not visit the Holy Sepulchre where the Armenians were in charge and waiting. Instead before the amazed eyes of clergy and pilgrims, the Holy Light flashing brilliantly, struck the column the Patriarch was standing behind with the sound of a forceful wind. Instantly the stone column was split and blackened near the bottom. And the light appeared and lit the candles of the Patriarch. The column is still there on the left hand side of the entrance to the Sepulchre.


Cited: Archimandrite Savva Achilleos. I Saw the Holy Light. P. 128. (Need to be checked)

Miracle of Holy Fire site mapBegining of the sectionArchimandrite Savva Achilleos. I Saw the Holy Light